Live renditions of "As Ugly As I Seem" and "The Denial Twist", both recorded for KCRW's "Morning Becomes Eclectic", remain faithful to the Get Behind Me Satan originals and will likely only appeal to the truly devoted, which could also be said for their barn-burning run-through of their debut album's "Screwdriver". The set's best track is an acoustic version of "Same Boy You've Always Known" recorded in Brazil that actually features a more refined vocal performance than appears on White Blood Cells, provided you're able to ignore the audience's slightly arrhythmic clap-along. Since the duo rarely add much in the way of polish to their studio productions, they are uniquely well-suited to the live recording format, and none of these live tracks differ drastically from their studio counterparts. For Walking With a Ghost, however, they've killed the suspense by padding the maxi-single out with four live versions of previously available album tracks. Their stormy, Hendrixian cover of the Greenhorns' "Shelter of My Arms", a recent B-side to "The Denial Twist", deserves to be considered alongside the duo's best work, while the "Blue Orchid" flipside "Who's a Big Baby?" might arguably be the most worthless track released this year. The quality of the extras and B-sides accompanying the Get Behind Me Satan singles has run the gamut. The twosome add a brief squiggle of guitar distortion and back-masking between choruses, but for better or worse decline the opportunity to expand this noisy interjection into a full-scale deconstruction. His reedy, double-tracked vocals match Tegan and Sara's phrasing almost exactly, injecting as much spirit as possible into their blank, repetitive non-sequiters like "I was walking with a ghost/ I said please, please don't insist." And Meg, needless to say, sounds well within her comfort zone, managing the song's elementary rhythm with aplomb. Tegan and Sara's original has a slight build even by the White Stripes' rudimentary standards, and Jack's conversion of the guitars from acoustic to electric does little to heft it up. Likewise, those who find Tegan & Sara's skeletal brand of winsome Canadian pop to be unbearably trite and/or mundane will presumably remain unswayed by the White Stripes' modest Detroit upgrade. In fact, the Stripes' version is almost reverential to fault, making it difficult to imagine a fan of the original disliking this too intensely, unless they simply object to Jack White's complexion or personal habits just on general principle. No matter which way you go.Although one can only speculate what exactly prompted Jack and Meg to cover "Walking With a Ghost", they do handle the song with a tangible affection- despite what some Tegan and Sara connoisseurs might believe. Ghost in FLESH incarnated Comment by CaaCaaCaa This tune is love! Comment by WaterBoyTheSavior Luv this jam rocks Comment by nintendofan063 I WAS WALKING WITH THE GHOST Comment by Jesse Pesantez Minty Byrn brought me here~ Comment by Selina Olson I remember back in 2009 they were playing this live and paramore came out with blankets on Comment by SonoranBear but my mom would play this when I was in my lil strappy car seat Comment by Richard Carrillo This is my childhood band and I am still a child. It makes me happy when im am sad i know like every line Comment by Hello2myHopeWorld They should pit rhos on rock band Comment by savagecelia This songisawesome! Comment by savagecelia bangernsong dawg Comment by Lavender SilentStalker My first Tegan and Sara song I heard <3 Comment by fin

Love this song so much Comment by Zodi-Hacks Podcast My lesbian awakening Comment by Melanie McNeil Used to listen to this as a kid Comment by Gregory MaggsĮffiente' 33 1intehewatt. Go tegan and sara ! Comment by kailey foley vlogs Genre Alternative Comment by Kaden🍄☎️🍷💋